3IPK, a.s.
Slovakia, Bratislava
Ms. Mária Čápová, CEO
3IPK develops Software as a service (SaaS) platform to facilitate aerospace certification, secured engineering and qualification data management as well as components originality fingerprinting system. It allows full data and physical components trac...
Established in 2004, ABANICO is an international translation company based in Trnava, Slovakia, having a wide range of experience in technical translations, particularly translations in the engineering, construction, production and automotive sector.
The ADRIAN® brand has been bringing you top energy solutions for over 20 years. From the very beginning our quality was our only priority; the quality of everything we do. Creative innovator and developer of energy efficient, environmentally friendly...
Air Products (NYSE:APD) is a world-leading Industrial Gases company providing atmospheric and process gases and related equipment to manufacturing markets. Air Products (NYSE:APD) je poprednou svetovou spoločnosťou zaoberajúcou sa výrobou technických...
AlfaCAD s.r.o.
Slovakia, Bratislava
Mr. Branislav Markovič, riaditeľ spoločnosti
Spoločnosť AlfaCAD s.r.o. vznikla za účelom „Pomáhať partnerom produkovať s profitom“. To znamená- Pomáhať zjednodušiť a automatizovať výrobné procesy, zefektívniť výrobu, zvýšiť bezpečnosť práce ako aj zvýšiť technologickú úroveň výrobných zariadení...
APPLIED PRECISION is a modern Slovak innovative company with sound scientific background, creative power of young academic research and development team, up-to-date technologies and decades of theoretical and practical experience in field of metrolog...
B I C Bratislava
Slovakia, Bratislava
Mr. Peter Kopkáš, Business & Innovation Centre
Since the founding of the Business and Innovation Centre Bratislava in 1991 our activities are focused on supporting innovation, technology transfer and business development. Our services include business and innovation advice, support of internation...
BESICO is a professional, international developer of real estates with more than 30 years’ experience in building construction. Offers customized, built-to-suite production- and logistic premises for lease.
Research and development in the field of technical sciences
Exercise of extracurricular educational activities
Manufacture of general - special-purpose machinery, composite parts manufacturing
Design activities
Since 2012, when we started to engage intensively with developing of neural networks, we became part of technology market. Our professional work and our unique platform focused on cancer diagnostics in particular, was created, and awarded under the i...